5 DIY Tips on Decorating Your Dorm Room

Moving into a dorm is quite exciting. Many students see it as the beginning of a brand new and fun chapter in their lives. But, even despite all the excitement, living in a dorm room is still associated with a number of challenges.

And the first big challenge is the feeling of homesickness that students often face when moving from their native homes to dull and impersonal dorm rooms.

If you are feeling the same way, one thing you may want to do is decorate your dorm room so that it would feel more like home. 

Of course, giving your dorm room a makeover may take quite a lot of time. Given that college students typically have pretty busy schedules, you might need to find a reliable essay writing service to do my paper for me fast and cheap to have more time for decorating your room.

Also, it can require some investments that might be too large for students to avoid. But, there is a solution to this problem! 

If you want to decorate your dorm room without spending too much time and money, all you need is to find some cool DIY decoration ideas. And below, we have prepared a few of them!

1. Memory Wall

DIY Tips on Decorating Your Dorm Room

One of the best things to decorate your dorm room with and make it more personal is to use your own memories as decor. So, the first idea you can use is creating a memory wall that would help you remember the good old times and the people dearest to you.

For this DIY idea, you will need a pile of your favorite photos printed out, decorative rope, clothespins, and something to attach the rope to the wall, for example, adhesive tape.

The implementation is pretty simple – you need to attach the strips of rope to the wall in whatever pattern you like, and then you can put your favorite photos on it with the help of clothespins.

2. Paper Lanterns

Decorating your space with neat-looking lanterns is another excellent way to liven up your dorm room. And while buying ready-made lanterns can be a bit expensive, creating some yourself isn’t.

Creating paper lanterns is pretty easy. And the ideas in terms of their shapes and kinds are almost endless. You will need a very basic set of materials and tools for this DIY.

Namely, you will need paper, scissors, glue or tape, and some free time to devote to crafting your lanterns. In addition, you will also need detailed instructions for creating this decoration but, as was mentioned earlier, the ideas are nearly endless. 

So, don’t hesitate to hop on Pinterest and find the instructions for DIY paper lanterns that you like the most.

3. String Lights

As seen in movies and TV shows about college students, all sorts of lights and garlands are among the most popular decorations that students use in their dorm rooms. This is also true in real life.

But, the problem is that buying lights can be a bit expensive. Luckily, a pretty easy DIY idea will let you create fancy-looking string lights to light up your dorm room without going over the budget.

All the materials for your string lights can be found in the nearest hardware store. You will need bulbs, a cord, a socket, and some connectors.

The instructions for assembling your string lights can be found on the web. But, be very careful with this idea. Remember that there might be certain fire risks if you assemble your lights incorrectly.

4. Contact Paper Desk Supplies Set

Students spend a considerable share of their time at their desks. Therefore, decorating the desk and everything you store on it (such as desk supplies) plays a huge role in giving your dorm room a makeover.

But, the truth is that buying designer desk supplies is much more expensive than buying plain and simple supplies. Yet, this doesn’t mean that you can’t make your desk supplies look good without going over your budget.

For this DIY idea, you only need the cheapest desk supplies set you can find and some contact paper of your choice. Contact paper can come in various colors and patterns, so there will be plenty of space for creativity.

5. Dry Erase Board


When you are a student, you have so much stuff going on every day that it becomes crucial to take notes, plan your to-do lists, and keep track of all your tasks.

Of course, you can do this using your smartphone or a regular notepad. But, you can also create a DIY dry erase board that will serve as a decor element and has practical use.

To create such a board, you will need a regular picture frame and patterned masking tape to decorate it to your liking.

After you finish working on the frame, you can buy dry erase markers and use them to write to-do lists or other notes on your erase board.

The Bottom Line

These DIY tips will enable you to decorate your dorm room to make it more “you” and feel more like home. At the same time, these ideas are all pretty simple-to-implement and cheap.

So, if you are a busy student living on a shoestring budget, don’t hesitate to use these ideas to give your room a cheap and quick makeover.

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