Want to Heat Your Home More Efficiently? Try These Tips

As the temperature drops, homeowners think about heating their homes. Your home’s heating system consumes about 29% of your utility expense, more than any other system. You can do several things to make your home more energy-efficient and save money on your heating bill.

This blog post will discuss when to turn on the heat in the fall, what temperature to heat your home, and how to make your home more energy-efficient. Combining maintenance, insulation, and thermostat settings can help save about 30% on your energy bill.

When to Turn on the Heat in the Fall

When to Turn on the Heat in the Fall

The first cool days of fall often lead to family debates. On one side are frugal family members determined to save money by waiting to turn on the heat. On the other side are their loved ones who swear they are “freezing.”

The exact time you’ll need to turn on the heat will vary depending on your climate and the construction of your home. However, a good rule of thumb is to turn on the heat when the indoor temperature drops below 64°F.

What Temperature to Heat Your Home

The ideal temperature to heat your home is 68°F. Reduce the temperature to 7 – 10°F when sleeping or away from home.

How to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

How to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

Making your home more energy efficient means taking steps to keep the warm air in and the cold air outside your house. There are several ways to make your home more energy-efficient:

Seal Air Leaks

Air leaks can cause drafts and make your home less energy-efficient. Caulk or weatherstrip your doors and windows to keep drafts out. You should also caulk and seal air leaks where ducts, plumbing, or electrical wiring come through walls or floors.

Insulate Your Home

Insulating your home can help keep it warm in the winter and cool in the summer. You can insulate your home by adding insulation to your attic, walls, and floors.

Upgrade Your Heating System

If your heating system is old and inefficient, upgrading to a new, more efficient model can save you money on your heating bill. When it’s time to replace your furnace, consider the cost differences between gas and electric heat. The cost of gas heat compared to electric heat depends on several factors, including the cost of natural gas and electricity in your area. In general, gas heat is cheaper than electric heat. However, electric heat pumps can be more energy-efficient than gas furnaces.

Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances can help you save money on your energy bills. When buying appliances, look for the ENERGY STAR label, which means they use less energy than standard products. An ENERGY STAR furnace must be 15% more efficient than the minimum federal efficiency standard.

Install A Smart, Programmable Thermostat

Save up to 10% annually by turning your thermostat down 7 to 10°F for eight hours a day during the fall and winter. (Turn the thermostat up in the spring and summer). A programmable thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature during the day. A smart thermostat links to your phone or other device so you can control it remotely.

Get Tax Credits

If you make your home more energy-efficient, you could qualify for a tax credit of up to $3200. Improvements that qualify for the energy-efficient home improvement credit include doors, windows, energy audits, and heat pumps.

Heating Your Home More Efficiently

Tips to Heat Your Home More Efficiently

Heating your home consumes a large portion of your utility costs. You’ll save energy and hundreds of dollars each year by improving your home’s efficiency. As a bonus, you might even earn a tax credit.

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