Are Copper Watering Cans Good for Plants? Tips to Use It without Harming Your Plants

Most beginner gardeners often don’t realize that the way they choose watering can affect their plants. Some gardeners choose to use a cooper can because it looks aesthetic.

You may think the same. So, are copper watering cans good for plants? The explanation below helps to ensure whether you should use a copper watering can or not. 

The Way Copper Watering Cans Affect Plants

Copper can easily corrosion. Corroded copper watering cans can affect your plants because it releases a lot of copper into the soil.

Copper will bind the organic matter on the soil, including clay minerals, hydrated oxides of iron or FE, aluminum or AI, and manganese or Mn.

Slowly but surely, the soil lacks these nutrients. The lack of FE, AI, and Mn will make plants unable to grow maximally. They even slowly die. 

The Signs of Plants Affected by Copper in Soil

After learning a little bit about are copper watering cans good for plants, you also have to learn the signs of plants affected by copper in the soil. The earlier you know the sign, the earlier you handle the plants. 

Check the color of the leaves first. The plants may suffer from copper toxicity when their leaves turn bluish, yellow, or brown.

Your seedling also failed if using soil with excess copper. Even if the seeds sprout, they grow so weak and unhealthy.

It is because plants need sufficient iron intake to grow healthy and strong. Copper can also hinder flowering in plants. 

Treat Copper Toxicity in Soil

Treat copper toxicity immediately once you know it. Treating the copper toxicity issue is difficult when the copper stays in the soil for years.

The first thing you can do to solve this problem is by cleaning the soil. Use clean water to wash the soil. 

The water volume has to be twice bigger than the volume of the soil you are about to clean. Use a sprayer or a hose when watering the soil. Ensure that you don’t use the same watering can to prevent adding more copper to the soil. 

Repotting is also an alternative to save the plants while treating the copper-infected soil. Wash the root of the plants so there is no infected soil anymore before repotting it.

Use a high-quality potting mix product that is mixed with nutrients for plants. Voila! Your plants are safe! Start treating the infected soil and ensure that it is safe enough to use to grow plants. 

The Way to Prevent Corrosion on Copper Cans

Corrosion appears when you let wet copper cans. Water and oxygen produce ferric oxide in copper materials, including watering cans.

So, how to prevent corrosion on copper watering cans? The most effective method is by coating it with zinc. 

The coating creates a galvanized surface on the cans. Alternatively, paint your watering can with rust-proof enamel paint.

The fastest solution if you still want to use copper watering cans is buying a painted or galvanized watering can.  

Are copper watering cans good for plants? Yes, it is as long as you can ensure that the cans are galvanized or painted to prevent corrosion. Corrosion that flows with water to the soil is the one that can affect your plants so badly.  

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