7 Best Wall Mounted Mailbox Ideas That Look Stylish

Wall-mounted mailboxes offer a practical solution to keep your mail secure when you are not available. Since not all mailboxes are the same, you may want to choose the best wall mounted mailbox that is not only functional but also visually attractive. Here are your options.

1. Black Wall Mount Mailbox with Upper Opening

Black Wall Mount Mailbox with Upper Opening

A wall mount mailbox will be displayed on your exterior wall, that’s why it should be able to enhance the curb appeal. If you want to play safe, this black wall-mounted mailbox can keep tons of mails. Thanks to the large size that is suitable for different sizes of the envelopes.

The plain mailbox is designed with an upper opening that will help the postman put your mails. Made from a strong material, it is theft resistant and waterproof.

2. Sturdy Aluminum Wall Mount Mailbox

Sturdy Aluminum Wall Mount Mailbox

Aluminum is widely used in mailbox production because of its sturdiness and resistance to extreme weather. This is also the best wall mounted mailbox if you expect a stylish design with an upper lid and a handle that helps you open and close it.

When it comes to size, this mailbox is large enough to collect your mails of any envelope sizes. But it may not be a good option for package, especially the big one.

3. Copper Wall Mailbox with Lock

Copper Wall Mailbox with Lock

Copper mailboxes can be a perfect addition to your modern and classic house design. It is designed with a lock that keeps anybody from stealing your mail. It also has a front slot that allows the postman to put your mail quickly without problem.

4. Butterfly-shaped Mailbox with Number

Butterfly-shaped Mailbox with Number

When classic design is not an option, this unique mailbox may attract your attention. The butterfly-shaped mailbox is made to draw the eyes to your home exterior, creating a subtle focal point. As a plus, this best wall mounted mailbox comes with a number section that helps the postman’s work.

5. Bright-colored Wall Mount Mailbox

Bright-colored Wall Mount Mailbox

If you are not into black or monochromatic colors, this bright mailbox has you covered. It is uniquely designed to improve visibility, allowing the mailman to find your mailbox in a matter of second. When it comes to sizes, this store-bought item is big enough for tons of mail and small packages.

6. Vintage Mailbox with Artistic Decoration

Best Wall Mounted Mailbox Ideas

Your classic and traditional house deserves this vintage mailbox. When a classic design meets artistic decorations, it creates a piece of art. This large mailbox is able to collect dozens of envelopes of any size. With a slight front slot, it is not possible to handle your packages.

7. Large Waterproof Mailbox

Large Waterproof Mailbox

This is a mailbox that you need to complement your modern house. The streamlined design is paired with a white color scheme, making it a perfect choice for your curb. Featuring a top opening and a lid, no need to worry about rainwater damaging your mails.

Mailbox comes in various designs, shapes, sizes, and colors for different home styles, needs, and personalities. If you cannot decide the best wall mounted mailbox for your home, these ideas should inspire you. Know your needs so you can find the right one.

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