Does Timbertech Decking Scratch Easily?

It seems to be the most asked question. Decking has been a big problem during a home renovation. It makes you wonder why you use wood or composite. When you decide to use composite, you can try to use Timbertech. Does Timbertech decking scratch easily? You can reveal it sooner before installing it.

The Facts of Timbertech Decking Scratching Easily

Both Timbertech and PVC decking boards are scratch resistant and anti-scratch-all. It means that they can scratch easily by some factors such as weather, furniture items, pets, kids, and shoes.

The surface scratch will make it dull. But, the deeper scratch can be repaired with the heat gun. Does Timbertech decking scratch easily? It is an interesting question to answer. It is scratch resistant because it is made of hard materials. Though it is resistant, you can scratch it in some cases.

Consisting of Three Lines

Timbertech offers three decorative lines such as Pro, Azek, and Edge. The decorative line of Azek has a board made of PVC. Meanwhile, Pro and Edge are composite decorative details. Firstly, it talks about Azek Timbertech.

It bought a company named Azek. It is a PVC-making manufacturer. PVC stands for polivinil cloride. It is 100% plastic in which it has no organic filling materials like wooden powder to absorb water. It is great for high humidity climates.

Timbertech offers two lines of composite decking, Pro and Edge. The composite decoration has two or more components. It has high-density Polietilen shells. It is usually made of recycled plastic covering filling material.

The composition of filling material depends on the manufacturer but it often consists of substances like wooden powder. Composite decking was not popular due to the water absorption. Composite decking will be curving on the wet location.

The main difference between Pro and Edge is the limit of polymer. Proline covers composite materials with HDPE shells on the fourth side. With the edge line, it limits only three sides on the top and both sides. Timbertech offers a 30-year warranty for Pro lines and 25 years for Edge Line.

The Preparation for Removing Timbertech Decking Scratching

If a deeper scratch happens, you must have a heating tool like an iron solder or heat gun. Both are cheap and useful to have. Both PVC and HDPE are made of plastic. When you heat plastic, the plastic flows.

To use a heat method, you can do some research first. You can watch some videos and read suggestions about it. Then, you can take a pail of water. You can start to use a piece of decorative detail. If you have one, you can take a whole piece of Timbertech.

How to Remove Timbertech Decking Scratching

Heat a gun or iron to 850 degrees F. Then, you start to hold a gun for 12 inches. Shake it along the scratch of Timbertech. If you can’t see the difference, repeat it until getting closer for some inches.

You need to get closer to 2 inches. If the scratch is too deep, you must wait for it longer to remove it. Those are some ways to remove Timbertech decking scratch.

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