The Top 8 Side of House Walkway Ideas

Some homeowners leave the space empty at the side of the house and abandoned. This is a great chance for you to decorate this space with the side of house walkway ideas to improve its look and function. Here are some great ideas that you can execute for space.

The Best 8 Side of House Walkway Ideas

1. Concrete and pebble

Concrete and pebble walkway

The combination of concrete and pebble is popular for a lot of houses with side walkway ideas. This style is useful because it prevents dirt or soil sticks to the wall because of rain.

The concrete can be the step, while the pebbles are some kind of aesthetic. Use the small pebbles for this style.

2. Stone and grass

Stone and grass walkway

The greenside walkway gives calmer nuance to your side yard. Since the grass shouldn’t be stepped on, you can put the stones as steps on the side walkway. However, you need to pick the type of grass since it will bring the aesthetic of the walkway itself.

3. Green walkway

Green walkway ideas

The green walkways are the alternative to side of house walkway ideas. It is green because the landscape of this walkway has many kinds of plants. The walkway is made from stepping stones or concrete. The side of the stepping stone is grass or shrubs.

4. Stone walkway

Stone walkway ideas

This is the easiest design because you don’t have to think much about the landscape. The whole walkway is made from paving blocks. You may create curves or other forms to adjust the size of the walkway itself. Usually, it is popular for a large space.

5. Garden pathway

Garden pathway ideas

You can maximize the space of the side of the house by creating a garden pathway with a coffee table or mini bar. To make it a cozier space, you can add some plants on the wall and the ground. The walkway is covered by paving stones.

6. Modern stepping stone

Modern stepping stone walkway

The monochrome walkway is also popular nowadays because it symbolizes minimalism, The stepping stones for the walkway are made from concrete. The size of it should be adjusted with the size of the side of the house.

7. Wooden steps

Side of House Walkway Ideas

The natural aesthetic of the side path can be maximum if you use wooden steps for the walkway. However, you have to choose high-quality wood for the steps since they are exposed to rain and weather. It looks warm and suitable for any kind of house concept.

8. Sloped stones with moss

Sloped stones with moss

The sloped stone of the side walkway can be a good idea if you want a 3D landscape look. Among the stones that create slopes, there is moss which creates a natural look for the walkway. It is low maintenance if you choose the right type of moss.

The side of house walkway ideas above is the best improvement inspiration that you can consider for this space. A walkway on the side of your house can be prettier with a better landscape, whether or not it is used to walk or only for decorative purposes.

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