5 Tips for Maintaining a Roof after Winter

When spring is around, homeowners may have maintenance projects on their to-do lists. The end of winter is an optimal time to check for damage from storms or inclement weather and make necessary repairs to help take your home out of hibernation mode.

Post-winter maintenance is essential for every home part, especially the roof. While the average lifespan of a well-maintained roof is 25 to 50 years, regular monitoring of your roof is a crucial way to prolong that timeline. Roof maintenance is especially vital for homeowners getting a home ready to sell to prevent inspection issues.

Cut back trees and branches.

Cut back trees and branches

Winter storms can be harsh on trees, sending debris from broken branches and fallen leaves on the roof. Checking on tree health and removing dry branches is a must at the end of winter to protect your roof and entire home during spring and summer storms.

This project includes trimming trees, which will prevent damage and prepare them for buds and blooms in warmer temperatures.

Create a clean slate.

Depending on your roof’s design, you may find it full of debris at the end of winter. When weight and moisture collect on a top, this creates a prime situation for damage that can go deeper.

Having a team of professionals clear off a roof and check for repairs can help catch a small problem before it becomes something more significant.

Clean out gutters

Clean out gutters

Another area where debris can collect during the winter is gutters, and during a project, clearing off the roof is the best time to lead the way for channels to flow easily.

As with the top, gutters that are not cleaned regularly may lead to future problems. Clogged drains can trap moisture, damaging the roof, siding, and even a home’s foundation as water accumulates.

Check for ice and snow damage.

Another post-winter issue that can come up is damage from accumulated ice and snow, as with debris from trees, weight from ice and snow can put pressure on a roof’s structure and push it to its limit. Clearing off the top and checking for damaged shingles is a must at the end of winter.

Take action against moss and mold.

Tips for Maintaining a Roof after Winter

With gutters and roof debris clear, an expert can take a closer look at a roof to check for moss and mold accumulation under the surface.

Moss shows up when moisture is trapped in a shelter, and while it might seem harmless, it can undermine roof structure. Along with moss, mold growth can also jeopardize a roof’s durability.

Having a roof professionally maintained can mean treating it to minimize mold growth and improve its ability to withstand wet weather, which is a must when selling a home.

Getting a new roof is an expensive home repair that hopefully only needs to happen every few decades. A significant roof overhaul can be avoided by following regular home maintenance strategies.

The end of winter is the best time to check roof health to prevent issues before they become a problem by working with roofing experts who know the signs to look for.

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