5 Reasons You Should Consider Adding Roller Shutters to Your Property

If you are noticing more roller shutters on homes recently, it’s not just you. Roller shutters are the fastest-growing type of window covering in the country.

It is estimated that 280,000 are sold every year and the market is growing at a pace of 8% yearly. It is very easy to understand why once you see their benefits.

While the security benefits are obvious, there are many advantages to these you may not have thought of. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons you should consider adding roller shutters to your property.

Break-In Protection

The first and biggest benefit of roller shutters is that they are great at deterring intruders, whether human or animal.

In most cases, it can help deter burglars that attempt to access properties because it would make it difficult to break in without drawing a lot of unwanted attention.

It’s a good way to add protection to your property – your home or business establishment. Many people now install cameras at their homes which can often be a costly expense that can require a lot of maintenance.

With shutters you still have that element of external safety, but you are just lacking visibility. This could be an ideal solution for many.

Shutters are not only nearly impossible to break in through but doing so would attract lots of unwanted attention. They’re also a great way to protect your house from random acts of vandalism.

Noise Reduction

Roller shutters do not only provide a barrier against intruders but against sound as well. If you live near a busy road, airport, or just have noisy neighbors, roller shutters could be a great option.

Especially with many of us working from home, there is nothing more awkward than an interrupted Teams call. The sound of your neighbours or neighborhood kids screaming in their front yards.

The best plan of action is to always pick a quiet area of the home but with roller shutters your entire home can be a fairly noise free space.

This is also a great choice for those working the night shift – you can get your sleep in during the day with less disturbances.

That’ll probably help balance out the lack of sunlight! Another benefit is for those of us that have turned to meditation or yoga and would like to clear our mind in a calmer, quieter environment.

That’s not always possible when you live in a bustling city but it can be made more viable with those option.

Sun Protection

Another reason why roller shutters are such a great option is that they provide sun protection.

Many people assume that curtains or blinds do the job, but in reality, the window will transfer its heat to them, which will then dissipate inside the house.

Roller shutters, on the other hand, can be made in a way to keep heat transfer to a minimum. You have manufacturers like Roller Smart, for instance, that have a selection foam filled roller shutters you can choose from.

Their roller shutters can stop up to 70% of the heat coming in from outside. And, if your main goal is security, they also have models that use guard rails that prevent potential intruders from seeing the screws from the outside.

With a roller shutter, most of the heat is absorbed. The air barrier between the shutter and the windows means that very little heat is transferred.

It’s a worthy investment if you are based in an area that

Weather Protection

Roller shutters also offer great protection against the elements. Hailstorms are getting more severe and common, and windows are the first victims when these occur.

But with roller shutters, you’ll have all the protection that you need. You’ll also get protection from rain and they don’t rattle in strong winds.

This is worth considering depending on the location of your home – if you are based on the coast for example, then it’s worth considering roller shutters as an investment to protect your home.

This is also probably an ideal investment for a holiday home which is more likely to be based near the coast. The added benefit is like we’ve mentioned above, protection against crime for the times that you are not at the property.

Energy Savings

It’s estimated that about 46% of air conditioning escapes through the windows. This means that your system is under extreme stress most of the year.

Having roller shutters will not only allow you to save on energy costs but it will preserve your unit as well. It has been estimated that roller shutters could allow you to reduce your energy costs by as much as 64% over the year.

As you can see, there are tons of reasons why you should consider adding roller shutters to your home. The benefits outweigh the costs, so we strongly suggest you speak with an expert today and see how they can help.

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