21 Creative Backyard Arborvitae Landscaping Ideas to Improve the Space

Looking for backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas? You’ve come to the right place. We have a list of 21 creative ideas to improve your backyard. Arborvitae trees are simply amazing. They have a beautiful look and are versatile. There are many ways you can use them to improve the space.

For starters, they can grow tall and you can plant them close to each other. These allow you to create a backdrop, a privacy screen and even use them to frame the entryway to your backyard. Without further ado, here are the arborvitae landscaping ideas.

1 As a Backdrop

landscaping ideas with arborvitae

One of the features of Arborvitae trees is their monotone-colored leaves. When they grow to full height, you can use them as a backdrop for your shorter, different-colored plants. These can be shrubs, flowers, or others.

Perennial plants are the best companion plants if you’re considering planting tall green arborvitae trees. For example, plants like Hollyhock, common sage, and Russian sage look great together with arborvitae. Even roses pair well with the tree.

This is one of the backyard tree landscaping ideas to try if you want to improve the aesthetic of your backyard.

2. Create a Topiary

Create a Topiary

A topiary never fails to add interest to a backyard. Arborvitaes are the perfect choice for that.

They have dense green foliage and some particular specie can grow very tall and wide, up to 8 – 12 feet tall and up to 3 feet wide. These give you a lot of materials to work with for backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas.

Arborvitaes are beautiful as they are. That said, there’s nothing wrong with sculpting them. A topiary adds a personal touch and it makes an excellent focal point for the space. It is a foolproof attention grabber.

3. Experiment with Sizes and Shapes

Experiment with Sizes and Shapes

Another feature of Arborvitae plants and trees is that they come in a variety of sizes and shapes. You don’t need to have arborvitaes of the same size and shape. On the contrary, you can experiment with sizes and shapes.

For example, a row of diverse arborvitaes creates a unique and unusual focal point in the backyard. The diversity adds an artistic look. You can create an artistic look by combining small arborvitae shrubs with tall Arborvitae trees, too.

4. Use Them as Dividers

Use Them as Dividers

One of the best simple large backyard landscaping ideas is to use arborvitaes as dividers. At a certain point, big backyards are just way too big to be considered as one space.

So if your backyard is big, you’ll need borders and dividers to separate the space and make one space looks different from another.

Let’s say you’re thinking of creating a patio in your backyard. You can use some arborvitaes as dividers to separate it from the other spaces.

Arborvitaes make the perfect dividers because of their height and density. You won’t need to invest in concrete walls to divide your space.

5. Use Them as Windbreakers

Use Them as Windbreakers

Also one of our backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas is to use arborvitaes as windbreakers. The taller varieties naturally act as windbreakers.

If you’re interested in arborvitae and wind is a problem in your backyard, consider planting the American Arborvitae or Green Giant varieties. Arborvitaes grow quite fast, but these varieties are the fastest.

On average, the Green Giant grows 3 feet every year. They can often grow to 30 – 40 feet tall and 15 – 20 feet wide. Some can even reach 50 – 60 feet when fully grown. Upon reaching their full height, arborvitae trees become excellent windbreakers.

6. Frame the Entryway

Frame the Entryway

Arborvitae has many more purposes than just acting as a backdrop or windbreakers. They offer a lovely way to welcome guests to the backyard, too.

An entranceway with a row of arborvitaes is simply beautiful. These amazing trees will come in use, especially so during the holiday season.

You can line up one side of the entryway or both sides to frame the entryway. They will make an inviting entryway. You can add trees of different sizes and shapes to make it more interesting. Your guests will be intrigued by your lovely arborvitaes’ sizes and shapes.

7. Hide Any Unsightly Features

arborvitae landscape design ideas

Regardless of how perfect our backyards are, we all have one or two parts that we’re not particularly proud of. How do you deal with them? Easy.

Here’s one of the backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas you may want to try: Use arborvitaes to hide these unsightly features.

Since they grow tall and dense, it will be easy to use them to cover up parts of your backyard that you don’t like. With these trees, the unsightly features will be out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind.

8. Create a Privacy Screen

Create a Privacy Screen

One of the most common landscaping ideas with arborvitae is to use them as a privacy screen. Their dense volume and fast growth rate make them an ideal choice. Within just a few years of planting the tree, you will see incredible results.

With arborvitaes, you have not only a privacy screen but a living wall that improves your backyard. Note that while these trees can grow to close each other, they still need room to spread out. So, don’t concentrate the seeds in one place.

9. Add Them to the Walkway

Add Them to the Walkway

If you have a walkway, you want to decorate it so it feels welcoming. Arborvitaes are a solid option for that. These trees are beautiful as they are.

Lining them up on a walkway will make it more welcoming. Besides, a line of arborvitaes is an amazing sight to behold.

To make it more dramatic, you can opt for different varieties, sizes, and shapes. The diversity adds interest and makes enhances the appeal of your backyard. Due to Arborvitae’s versatility, the décor possibilities are endless.

10. Landscaping Accents

Landscaping Accents

Among backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas is landscaping accents. No one can deny how beautiful arborvitae plants and trees are. What’s interesting is how they can act both as a landscaping focal point and as a landscaping accent.

If you have a lot of plants and trees in your backyard already with some of them as the centerpiece, arborvitae trees will complement them.

For example, if most plants and trees in the garden are short, tall arborvitae trees will add a balance. Thus, improving the aesthetic of the space.

11. Brighten the Outdoor Space

Brighten the Outdoor Space

Perhaps some parts of your outdoor space don’t get enough light? If that is the case, it could certainly use some brightening plants.

Arborvitaes make an excellent option for that. Plant arborvitae trees in places that don’t get enough light and watch them brighten the space.

Here’s a plus: The vibrant foliage lasts throughout the year. That means they will add a burst of sunshine to your backyard every single day.

You can plant them however you want, too. Plant them on soil or in containers, closely or apart from each other, your choice.

12. Decorative Little Spheres

Decorative Little Spheres

When it comes to backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas, it isn’t always about tall and wide trees. There are shorter, shrub varieties, too. Just like their tree counterparts, these shrubs make an excellent addition to your backyard.

The Anna’s Magical Ball variety, for example, makes the space more colorful. They are beautiful on their own and can be paired with other plants and trees. The best companion plants are perennials, which enhance their beauty further.

What’s more, these fantastic little spheres are low-maintenance. They are simple and not demanding, but they add so many things to your backyard.

13. Potted Plants for Small Space

Potted Plants for Small Space

What if you have limited space? The good news is, arborvitae trees do well in containers, too. These wonderful trees can still do wonders for your landscape, even when they are planted in pots.

There are lots of Arborvitae varieties. For small spaces, it is best to go with the smaller varieties. Arrange them according to the purpose you want them to fulfill.

Even with limited space, there are backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas you can try. For example, if you want them as dividers, put the pots near each other.

14. Mixed Borders

arborvitae backyard design

As mentioned earlier, Arborvitae comes in various sizes and shapes. There are always options you can choose from. In addition, you don’t have to go with arborvitae plants or trees of the same size and shape. Going with diverse varieties is nice, too.

You can combine small Arborvitae shrubs or shorter varieties with tall varieties like Green Giant and American Arborvitae.

Then, arrange them so they form borders. The differences enhance their beauty, easily turning them into focal points in your outdoor space that no one can ignore.

15. For the Sitting Area

For the Sitting Area

If you have a sitting area in your backyard, it will be a good idea to add some arborvitaes. The dense trees will provide a privacy screen, allowing you to enjoy your time in peace. In addition, they will make the sitting look more refreshing, appealing, and welcoming.

You don’t have to plant many of them. Even a row of five arborvitae trees can do wonders for your outdoor space. They can also act as border and windbreakers. Enjoy the gentle breeze when you’re outside.

16. Add Color

backyard landscaping ideas with arborvitae

Having a dull look is the last thing you want for your backyard. If it needs a bit of color, just add some arborvitaes. Arborvitaes are well-known for their vibrant color. This is true not just for varieties with lush green foliage but also varieties with other colors.

The above picture is an excellent example of that. Notice how the vibrant yellow arborvitaes easily stand out from the other plants. They add interest and enhance the aesthetic of the backyard.

17. Create a Living Corridor

Create a Living Corridor

If you have a corridor, one of the best backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas is to create a living corridor. Make it more dramatic with arborvitaes. These wonderful trees easily transform an ordinary corridor into a gorgeous, inviting one.

Your guests will love walking through it. For the best dramatic effect, choose taller varieties. Keep in mind that arborvitaes grow quite fast and they need some space to grow. You might need to prune them. Their fast growth also allows you to get results within 1 to 2 years.

18. Compact Hedges

arborvitae landscaping ideas

Most backyards can benefit from hedges. They are not only decorative, but also provide privacy and a shelter from the wind. Arborvitae are visually pleasing, grow fast, and come in various sizes and shapes. As such, they make excellent hedges.

Some arborvitae varieties are short. You can use them as compact hedges in your outdoor space. Plant them in containers and you’ll get movable hedges. You will be delighted by their dense vibrant foliage as it enhances the aesthetic of your backyard.

19. Create a Private Study Area

Create a Private Study Area

Do you enjoy spending your time studying outdoor? If you do, creating a private study area is one of arborvitae landscape design ideas you want to try. You don’t need a lot to create one. Just some chairs, tables, and arborvitaes.

The tall trees will provide privacy and block unnecessary distractions and sounds. You can focus during your study time. In addition, the green foliage gives a soothing atmosphere. It helps you relax and makes the space looks refreshing.

20. For the Pool

backyard tree landscaping ideas

One of the concerns of having a swimming pool is privacy. You can deal with it by planting some arborvitaes around your pool. Select a variety that grows tall and wide so you can enjoy your time in the pool without worrying about privacy.

The North Pole variety is a solid option. They can grow to 10 – 15 feet tall and 3 – 5 feet wide. Their foliage is dense and evergreen, which helps with the privacy part and creates a relaxing atmosphere.

21. All-in-One

backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas

You don’t need to choose only one function that you want arborvitaes to fulfill. Taller varieties allow you to have them all. And why choose if you can have them all?

Tall arborvitaes make an excellent privacy screen.  They hide unsightly features in the backyard, act a backdrop, as windbreakers, and you can divide your space with them. They make excellent decorations for a corridor or entryway and help with your backyard landscaping design, too.

These backyard arborvitae landscaping ideas can help you improve your backyard. Arborvitae trees are beautiful and versatile. Regardless of how you use them, they make an excellent addition to your backyard.

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