6 Study Areas Ideas and Designs

As a rule, all students, whether in school or college, have a dedicated space at home where they can run their study sessions, read, do homework, and take care of other academic matters. Needless to say, the organization and design of this space play a huge role.

According to studies, it’s proven that the area where you study directly affects your brain’s ability to absorb and retain information and your overall productivity.

Simply put, the look and organization of your study space influence your academic performance. This fact shows the importance of organizing your study space according to your needs and wishes.

If you are determined to give your study area a makeover, we have you covered! In this article, you will find six great ideas that you can use to make your space look better and feel more comfortable. 

1. Motivation Board

The right level of motivation is undoubtedly one of the keys to success not only in work but also in studies. When a student lacks motivation, their productivity, mood, and, as a result, academic performance start to decrease.

It can even lead to burnout. And though students can always find a reliable essay writing service to help me write my essay, it’s still crucial that your study space keeps you motivated at all times. So, the first décor idea we suggest you use is a motivation board.

Basically, it can be a poster, painting, corkboard, or any other kind of board that you can put a motivational message on.

Then, all you need to do is keep this board in front of your eyes during your sessions, and it will provide you with a dose of motivation every time you look at it.

2. Space-Saving Desk

Study Areas Ideas

The following study area idea will come especially in handy for students renting a room or living in a dorm. In other words, this hack is perfect for those whose living space is rather small.

If that’s your case, you can even think that you don’t need a separate study area just because it takes too much space. But, in fact, you do need one. And, no, it doesn’t have to take too much space.

The best solution for a situation like this is to invest in a space-saving, fold-away desk. Such a desk is a perfect solution for small rooms or apartments.

3. A Variety of Colors

Vivid shades and unusual combinations of colors may not be an obvious choice for your study area. Or, so it seems. Despite a common belief that bright colors can be too distracting, there is also another side of the matter.

It has been numerously proven that different colors can affect our brains differently. Some can be soothing, some can ease anxiety and stress, some can boost your productivity, etc.

If you study the science and psychology behind the colors, you can choose the best colors for your study area that will create a neat-looking design and, at the same time, have a practical purpose.

4. A Writing Wall

As a student, we bet you have plenty of stuff going on every day. Lectures and exams, extracurriculars, events, tight deadlines, and loads of homework – there are so many things to keep track of. No wonder why planning plays such a huge role in student success.

The next study area idea we have prepared for you is a writing wall that will make it easy and fun to keep track of everything that is going on in your life.

All you need to implement this idea is a special wall paint plus some chalk to write on it. Such a wall can be used for many different purposes, and it also looks stylish.

5. Wall Calendar

For everyone interested in different fun wall designs that can be used in a study area, here is one more – you can create a wall calendar to stay on the right track with all your chores, deadlines, etc.

There are plenty of ways to organize your own wall calendar. Some take only a bit of time, while others are more complex.

Nevertheless, everyone should be able to find something to suit their needs. Feel free to use Pinterest or Google to find inspiration for your wall calendar.

6. A Hidden Homework Station

Finally, there is another study area idea that many of you should find quite interesting. The idea is to create a hidden homework station inside a regular closet.

This design idea is so great because it allows you to save space without giving up on organizing your own dedicated area for studying.

Implementing this idea is also simple. All you need to do is empty your closet and mount a desk into it. The shelves that are already present in your closet can be used to store your school supplies. And the best part of it is that you can lock up and hide it whenever you want.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to organizing and designing a perfect study area, one can have plenty of ideas and doubts, being unable to pick something that would suit them best.

Looking on Pinterest and Google, it becomes clear that the ideas and designs for study areas are literally endless. So, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Hopefully, the ideas we shared with you here will help you find a starting point for your study area makeover!

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