4 Useful Home Maintenance Check-Ups To Perform Regularly

Your home is your castle! It is a place where you come to feel safe and secure. But, are. you taking care of your castle? When you perform these four home check-ups regularly, you can prevent major damage and save a ton of money.

You can accomplish these tasks by yourself or hire professionals. Either way, routine check-up and maintenance are the key to keeping your home at it’s best.

Look in Your Basement

inspection of your basement

Close inspection of your basement is a good place to start. Basements are a notorious place for water to accumulate, and you do not want water in your basement. Water can lead to mold, bugs, damage to goods, and damage to the house’s foundation. Even small amounts of water can be a major problem because they can grow fast!

Walk around all finished and unfinished areas of the basement. Take note of any water you may see. It can come in through the foundation walls, a sump pump well or French drains, or even from a leaky hot water heater. When possible, fix the problem immediately.

Fix or replace hot water heaters, remove items that may clog drains, and repair cracks. Repairing cracks in foundation walls may require a professional. Basement waterproofing companies can fix cracks and making sure that no water will be able to seep into your basement.

Also important is the humidity of your basement. If it is too damp, it can lead to mold growth which is dangerous. Keep humidity under 60%, using a dehumidifyer if necessary.

This will help keep items stored in your basement safe and provide a healthy air quality. Finally, try to keep stored goods in plastic totes rather than cardboard boxes. This will keep your items safe if a flood or even smaller water leak does happen to occur.

Gutters and Downspouts Need Attention

Home Maintenance Check-Ups

Gutters are all around your house to collect rainwater, and downspouts take the water away from the house. These are both necessary, and you need to keep them in good repair. Gutters must be kept free of leaves and debris. If you live in an area with a lot of tall trees, you should clean your gutters every fall, at least.

This can be a dangerous job, so be sure you have the safe equipment if you choose to do it yourself. Otherwise, you can hire a professional. You may also want to consider gutter guards to help keep debris out of your gutters. Choose a reputable company to install these. They often come with lifetime warranties, so shop around to find a good deal.

Downspouts that are falling off your house or dangling need immediate attention. These keep the water from your roof away from your house, so it will not collect in your basement. You also need to make sure that there are no clogs in your downspouts.

Cement pads at the bottom of the downspout also need correct placement, so the water does not pool. If you do notice pooling after rain, you may want to consider downspout extenders to move the water further away from your home.

Inspect the Exterior of Your Home

Inspect the Exterior of Your Home

You will want to look all around your house and do it often. Many issues can occur that can lead to bigger problems if not taken care of. Fixing a small problem caught early will save you big bucks later on.

First check to see that there are no holes or places where water, bugs, or other creatures can get into your home. For example, cracks near the foundation can allow for water and insects to enter your home. Bigger holes may allow for mice. Plug these up immediately.

Make sure no water pools around your home after a rainstorm. This water can find a way to enter your home if allowed to continue to sit. It can also attract unwanted insects such as mosquitoes. Find ways to route the water elsewhere.

Windows and doors are another exterior item to check. Rotting wood frames are a source of damage that is often overlooked. It may be expensive to fix now, but damage it causes will be worse later. Better yet, maintain these exterior wood trims with regular maintenance. Using a good wood protectant regularly can go a long way to keeping your windows and doors in good repair.

Finally, be sure to check your wood decks for signs of disrepair and wood rot. Again, regular maintenance with a good wood protector is essential. But also, be sure that wood is not rotting underneath. For safety, be sure all posts are secure and do not wobble when pushed upon.

Roofing and Siding

Roofing and Siding Inspections

Your roof and siding protect the exterior of your house. Check all around the home for problems with the siding. You may find holes or tears caused by age or damage from the elements. Lawnmowers throwing rocks or weed trimmers can damage siding as well.

These holes and dents in the siding can lead to water damage to the home, so take care to fix them as soon as possible. You may need to hire a professional to replace siding on your home.

Roofing damage can be harder to diagnose. You will likely need a ladder to access the roof. If you do not have the correct tools for the job, hire an expert. Look for missing shingles or those that are not secure. Repair or replace these shingles if possible.

If there is significant damage, you may need to replace the entire roof. Replacing the roof is expensive, but will save money if done proactively. Do not wait until you find interior ceiling leaks because your roof has already failed at that point.

The biggest take-away is to be proactive in your home maintenance. Check around your home often, and fix issues when they are still small. You will not only save money, but you will also save time and the frustration of dealing with large repairs and damaged goods.

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