How to Install Corrugated Metal Roofing: Easy Guide for Beginners

Corrugated roofing sheets are excellent for residential and commercial projects. This metal roofing is long lasting, lightweight, value for money, and relatively easy to install. If you want to learn how to install corrugated metal roofing like a professional, continue to the step-by-step instructions below.

Calculate the Overlap and Overhang

Calculate the Overlap and Overhang

Calculating the accurate overhang is a good start when it comes to corrugated metal sheets installation. During the process, the wave-like sheets are overlapped each other for security. That’s why determining the length of the overlap is important to avoid leaking and get an aesthetic look.

The overlap varies depending on your pitch roof. After determining the accurate overlap, you must determine the overhang. Ideally, the overhang should be at least 60mm to 70mm so the water runs off quickly to avoid leaking.

Cut the Corrugated Metal Roofing Sheets

Cut the Corrugated Metal Roofing Sheets

The next step of how to install corrugated metal roofing is cutting the corrugated metal sheets. But before that, you will need to measure the length of rafters. Combine with the overlap calculation, you will get an accurate size of the sheets needed during the project.

Cutting corrugated metal sheet is quite simple. You can use either circular saw or manual saw, each of which comes with pros and cons. But if you expect an efficient work with a neat end result, circular saw can be a good option.

Choose the Best Overlap Direction

Choose the Best Overlap Direction

How to install corrugated metal roofing on a house also involves an evaluation for the overlap direction. You will need to determine the direction of the wind to prevent it from blowing the corrugated metal sheets away.

For example, if the wind blows from the east, the left sheets should overlap the right ones. But if the wind blows from the west, let the right sheets overlap the left ones. In other words, the overlap direction should be on the opposite of the wind direction.

Align the First Sheet at the Roof Edge

How to Install Corrugated Metal Roofing

Aligning the sheets is one of the steps of how to install corrugated metal roofing. Start with the first metal sheet at the edge of the roof. Secure with screws and nails into the purlin so the sheet doesn’t move or is not blown away by the wind. Continue with the remaining sheets.

Avoid overtightening when screwing or nailing the corrugated sheets because it may damage the metal sheets.

Install Flashing at the Eaves

Install Flashing at the Eaves

After installing the corrugated metal roofing, you can finish the project by installing flashing. It should be installed in several crucial areas like ridge, eaves, and between the roof and the wall. Flashing helps prevent water from penetrating into the seams and joints in your roof.

You can also use gable trim and roof cap. A roof cap helps cover the peak of the roof between the panels to prevent water. Also use sealant on the screws or nails for extra protection from water.

How to install corrugated metal roofing isn’t daunting but still you need a little know-how to get the task done. Follow the step-by-step guide above and hone your DIY skills.

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