How to Install Metal Roofing around Vents with Minimized Risks

Metal roofing installation is basically quick and simple with three main stages including measurement, cutting, and installation. But when the roof has a vent or exhaust, this may double the difficulty. Let’s delve into how to install metal roofing around vents to get the project done.

Bring the Panel Close to the Vent

Bring the Panel Close to the Vent

Install the metal roofing as usual. Take measurement and mark the panels or sheets before you install from the edge of the roof. Continue with the remaining panel until you get close to the vent. Once you are close enough, bring up the panel and locate to where it should be placed.

The more you get closer to the vent, the more accurate the measurement. That allows you to take measurement and put mark on the panel before cutting to the size.

Take Measurement of the Pipe and Mark

How to install metal roofing around vents

After installing metal roofing and bringing the panel as close as possible to the vent, start taking measurement of the pipe using a tape measure. This step of how to install metal roofing around vents require accuracy and preciseness, so do it carefully.

Use your special marker to make a mark on the panel. Ensure the marker visibility so you can cut it easily. When running a tape marker, be sure to add ½ to ¾ inches. That allows you to slide the panel smoothly during the installation process.

Carefully Cut along the Mark

Carefully Cut along the Mark

Using a tin snip or metal cutter, cut the hole carefully. Follow along the line to make a hole that fits the pipe. Due to the small size, using a circular saw may not be a good idea. You don’t need to worry about jagged and rough edge because it will be covered by the flashing.

If you have several vents and they are of the same size, save time and energy by stacking your metal panel. Instead of using a tin snip, you can utilize a hole saw to cut them all at once. Make sure the panel are aligned vertically so the cut can be precise.

Slide the Panel to the Right Position

Slide the Panel to the Right Position

Now your panel already has a hole. Next on how to install metal roofing around vents, you will need to slide the panel over the pipe and put it on the proper location. Make sure there is a gap between the pipe and the panel where you can install the flashing later on.

Install the Metal Roofing

Install the Metal Roofing

After putting the metal roofing panel to the right position, you can install the other as usual. Don’t forget to secure the holed panel with screw or nail as you desire. Install flashing and sealant to prevent leaking on the roof. When you find the other area with vent space, follow these steps to get the task done.

Ridge vent for metal roof is commonly found in commercial building, but some residential properties also use this feature for various reason. How to install metal roofing around vents may be tricky but with extra patience and effort, it can improve your DIY roofing skills so you do not need to hire a pro.

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