7 Orchid Flower Meaning Based on Their Colors

Orchids have been long known as a delicate and precious ornamental flower with deep meanings. Graceful orchids represent beauty, luxury, and love while ancient Greece links it with virility. However, orchid flower meaning may vary widely based on their colors as shown below.

White Orchid Means Purity and Faith

White Orchid Means Purity and Faith

White orchid is a common variant that features pure white petals with different colors of tongue. White Phalaenopsis is the most popular species found in flower bouquets for gifts because of its large blooms and distinctive shape, although it is less fragrant.

White orchids symbolize purity, innocence, elegance, and faith. These meanings are quite similar to most white flowers. White orchids are ideal to include in your wedding decoration because of its elegance. It can also become an exclusive flower bouquet for your favorite person.

Purple Orchid Reflects Royalty

Orchid flower meaning

Purple orchid flower meaning is greatly affected by how it was appreciated centuries ago. Back in the Victorian age, purple orchids were admired by the upper class. The blooms were commonly found in their interior and room decoration.

Since then, purple orchids symbolize royalty, authority, and dignity. If you want to show your admiration and respect to someone through flowers, choose this purple orchid and the one who receives it will appreciate your present.

Blue Orchid Represents Beauty and Rarity

Blue Orchid Represents Beauty and Rarity

Blue orchids are rare, even some people don’t believe they exist. This type of orchid is naturally unique with its distinctive, eye-opening color that looks vibrant, making it a perfect addition in your flower gift. Turns out, blue orchid flower meaning is as deep as its beauty.

This particular orchid flower represents rare and natural beauty. You can give it to people who holds a special place in your life and heart. In addition to its uniqueness and rarity, blue orchids symbolize spirituality and divinity.

Red Orchid Shows Power and Strength

Red Orchid Shows Power and Strength

Have you ever seen red orchids? This plant species has breathtaking blooms with a bold red color and a slight yellow color in the middle that easily catches attention. Red orchids are not as abundant as purple or white species but this orchid isn’t rare.

Red orchid flower meaning symbolizes determination, power, and courage. It also represents desire, love, and passion just like other flowers with the same color. This bloom is suitable to give to someone who you love the most. It can also be a great substitute to red roses.

Yellow Orchid for Happiness and Optimism

Yellow Orchid for Happiness and Optimism

Yellow orchids symbolize friendship, optimism, and happiness. This bright bloom is ideal to send to your friends or someone who is near and dear to your heart to show your support. Send it to someone who is sad so you can cheer them up with the vibrant color of the bloom.

Yellow flowers reflect optimism, happiness, and cheerfulness and yellow orchids hold this tradition. These blooms are often characterized by bright yellow petals with red tongue. Sometimes the blooms come with beautiful stripes in a contrast color.

Orange Orchid Reflects Creativity and Excitement

Orange Orchid Reflects Creativity and Excitement

When you want to celebrate your friend’s promotion at work or partner’s success in career, orange orchids can be the best representation. Orange orchid flower meaning is associated with creativity, excitement, and enthusiasm, thanks to its naturally vibrant color.

Orange is a bright and warm color that represents sunshine, excitement, and enthusiasm. Orange blooms typically have bold orange petals, sometimes they are plain but sometimes you can find ones with dots. Orange orchids usually have a pink to purple tongue that creates a nice look.

Green Orchid Expresses Good Health and Fortune

Green Orchid Expresses Good Health and Fortune

Green orchids are calming, elegant, and gracious. The typical color of this bloom is yellowish green, so it can be paired with other flowers with brighter color. Green orchids represent good luck, good health, and longevity. It can also be a perfect gift for someone who needs extra luck.

In Japanese culture, green orchids are often displayed in the office or at home. Displaying this flower is believed to attract good fortune in career and life. It can also be displayed to embrace nature.

Orchids symbolize beauty, royalty, fertility, and thoughtfulness. They have perfect blooms with different colors that represent different meanings for a wide range of purpose. Choose the right color of bloom to deliver the right orchid flower meaning.

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