8 Best Outdoor Patio Heating Ideas for Minimalist Yard.

There are many ways to decorate your patio and one of them is putting a heater. It is nice to have a heater where you can get the warmth when you spend time there. Check some outdoor patio heating ideas here to improve the look of your home yard.

1. Hanging heater

Hanging heater

One of the best choices is an electric heater. It hangs like a lamp, but it is a perfect option if you don’t have any space to have a standing one.

The heat will spread well to the area of your patio. This electric heater has been very popular, but the heat output is lower than other types.

2. Mini basin

Mini basin

This style is simple and minimalist because you put the best outdoor patio heating ideas in the middle of the patio. It looks like a basin and you place some wood and stones to make a firepit. However, this style will not work when it’s winter unless you create the roof above the heater.

3. Stone heater

Stone heater

This heater is similar to a firepit. The heater is made from some stones or bricks in the middle of the patio. You can gather around the heater to feel it when it is lighted up.

This is a cheaper option, but you cannot remove this heater easily since it’s well-structured and planned to build there.

4. Standing heater

Standing heater

Standing heater is more popular these days for the patio which has not had any heater before. You can buy it online and it looks like a standing lamp.

There are various brands you can pick from. The heater is portable and you can replace it wherever according to your mood.

5. On the table

Firepit On the table

You may have a large table for the patio and put a special compartment for a heater at the same time. This is a great option of outdoor patio heating ideas to maximize the space on the table. The compartment is made from glass, so it is safe to use the rest of the space for plates.

6. Vintage heater

Outdoor Patio Heating Ideas

This is another option you can consider if you love vintage style. The heater is made from metal where you can burn the compartment inside when you need it. It is a standing portable heater that you can place anywhere on your patio.

7. Fireplace style

Fireplace style

Though many people use this style for indoors, you can make one for your patio. It is a good idea to make heating the atmosphere since the wind barely affects the fire when it is light up.

8. Metal heater

Metal heater

This metal heater is very affordable on the market and durable for years. The size is nice enough to put in the middle of chairs, replacing a coffee table. It looks like a fire pit that you can see for BBQ on the patio.

These outdoor patio heating ideas will improve the look of your garden as well as warm the area. The electric one is simple because you can turn it on and off wherever you need. Meanwhile, the firepit one is perfect when the atmosphere is supportive of light on the heater.

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