Fixing Furniture: DIY Solutions and When to Ask the Pros

Furniture is an essential part of any home, but it can be a source of frustration when it breaks or becomes worn down. It’s tempting to try to fix the issue yourself, but it’s essential to know what you can and can’t do. While some issues are relatively easy to fix, others are best left to the professionals.

In this article, we’ll explore furniture that you can fix yourself and what you should leave to the pros. We’ll discuss common issues such as loose screws, stuck drawers, and scratches, and offer easy-to-follow solutions that you can do on your own (as long as you’ve got all the essential tools for homeowners).

Additionally, we’ll provide insights into more complex issues, such as broken frames, reupholstering, and refinishing, that require the expertise of a professional. With the right tools and knowledge, you can extend the life of your furniture and avoid costly repairs.

Problems you can fix yourself

Problems you can fix yourself

Loose screws

Loose screws are one of the most common issues with furniture. They can cause chairs to wobble or cause drawers to become difficult to open and close. Fortunately, they’re also one of the easiest issues to fix. All you need is a screwdriver and some wood glue.

First, remove the loose screw and clean any debris out of the hole. Apply a small amount of wood glue to a toothpick and insert it into the hole. Break off the toothpick, so it’s flush with the surface, and then replace the screw. The glue will help keep the screw in place and prevent it from becoming loose again.

Stuck drawers

Stuck drawers are another common issue, but they’re relatively easy to fix as well. Start by removing the drawer from the piece of furniture. Check the tracks for any debris, such as dust or small objects, and remove them.

If the tracks are clean and the drawer still doesn’t slide smoothly, try rubbing a candle or some paraffin wax on the bottom edges of the drawer. The wax will act as a lubricant and make it easier to slide the drawer in and out.

Scratches and scuffs

Scratches and scuffs are inevitable when it comes to furniture. Fortunately, they’re also relatively easy to fix. Start by cleaning the area with a mild soap and water. If the scratch is shallow, you may be able to fix it with a furniture touch-up marker or crayon. Simply color in the scratch with a marker that matches the color of the wood.

For deeper scratches, you may need to use wood filler. Apply a small amount of filler to the scratch and smooth it out with a putty knife. Let it dry, then sand it down until it’s flush with the surface of the wood. You can then stain or paint the area to match the rest of the furniture.

Problems you should leave to the pros

Problems you should leave to the pros

Broken frames

If a piece of furniture has a broken frame, such as a chair or sofa, it’s best to leave the repair to a professional. They have the tools and expertise needed to fix the issue safely and effectively. Attempting to fix it yourself could result in further damage or even injury.


Reupholstering furniture involves removing the old fabric, repairing any damage to the frame, and then replacing the fabric. It’s a complicated process that requires specialized tools and materials.

If you don’t have experience with reupholstering, it’s best to leave it to the pros. They’ll be able to ensure that the job is done correctly, and the furniture will look and function as it should.


Refinishing furniture involves stripping off the old finish, sanding down the wood, and then applying a new finish. It’s a time-consuming process that requires specialized tools and materials.

If you’re not experienced with refinishing, you could end up damaging the wood or creating an uneven finish. It’s best to leave this job to the pros.


diy Fixing Furniture

Furniture is an essential part of any home, but it can be frustrating when it breaks or becomes worn down. While some issues are relatively easy to fix, such as loose screws and stuck drawers, others are best left to the pros.

If you’re not experienced with repairing furniture, it’s essential to know your limitations and seek professional help when needed. Attempting to fix complex issues without the proper tools or expertise can result in further damage or even injury.

Remember that prevention is key to maintaining furniture. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the life of your furniture and prevent the need for costly repairs. When buying furniture, consider investing in high-quality pieces that are built to last.

In summary, furniture can be both a source of joy and frustration. While it’s tempting to try to fix issues yourself, it’s essential to know when to call in the pros. With proper care and maintenance, your furniture can last for years to come, providing comfort and style to your home.

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