How Choosing The Right AC Filters Make A Difference?

Shopping for AC filters is not as easy as you may think. You can not afford to pick whatever you find in your local store. This is because your HVAC filter is an essential component of your HVAC system.

Choosing the right AC filter is a task that requires careful thought and sometimes professional help; which we at Custom Filters Direct are happy to provide. The quality of your indoor air: the air your kids, pets and family breathes depends on your choosing the right AC filters.

The lifespan of your HVAC system depends on it; your utility bill depends on it! Before we discuss how choosing the right AC filters makes a difference in your home, let us understand how the AC filter works.

How An Air Conditioner Filter Works

How Choosing The Right AC Filters

To keep dirt and debris out of your HVAC system and out of your home, air conditioners use filters. After drawing in and dissipating heat from a room, the air conditioner returns that heated air to the room.

In order to prevent dirt and debris from contaminating newly sucked-in air, a filter is installed on the return vent, which separates it from the dirty air that enters the system.

Without a filter, dust, pet dander, and other pollutants can easily enter your home without your knowledge. There is a good chance that not all of that material will be blown back into the structure. Some of it will get caught up in the machinery and build up over time.

Using the Wrong Air Filter Size

Using the incorrect air filter size may not necessarily harm your HVAC system, at least not right away. It does, however, have an effect.

The inefficiency of your heating and cooling system is reduced when the wrong size is used. This can quickly mount up, becoming a more visible issue that you’ll see on your next electricity statement.

The main risk with using the incorrect size air filter is that it may not effectively prevent dust from accumulating on your HVAC system’s motors and blowers.

This clogs up your furnace, reducing its efficiency and possibly causing damage to the system’s interior components, resulting in costly repairs or replacements.

Using The Wrong Air Filter Type

It’s vital to keep in mind that air filters come in a variety of sizes, thicknesses, and materials. Fibreglass, pleated paper, polyester fibres, and electrostatic pleats are used in the majority of filters.

Some are one-time use and disposable, while others may be washed and reused. Regardless of which type is appropriate for your specific HVAC system, it’s critical to change or clean the air filter on a regular basis. This will assist you in maintaining good indoor air quality.

MERV Ratings Make A Difference

It’s a frequent fallacy that the best way to go is to choose an air filter with a higher MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating.

A higher MERV indicates that the filter can capture tiny particles such as viruses and germs. However, not all HVAC systems are designed to work with fine-mesh filters.

Airflow will be restricted if your system is incompatible with the filter. This, once again, leads to different issues such as poor indoor air quality, an overworked HVAC system and more.

Do You Need A Filter to Run An HVAC System?

Yes, you can run your HVAC system without a filter. But just because something is possible does not imply that it should be. A few hours without a filter in your HVAC system is usually safe, but more than six hours is pushing it.

It’s not a good idea to run your system without a filter unless you want unclean air blowing into your home and maybe damaging the unit.

Benefits Of Choosing A High-Quality Air Filter

Installing a high-quality air filter in your heating and cooling system is vital for your health! The air filter removes particulates and other impurities from your home’s air, allowing you to breathe easier.

Not only can an air filter improve the quality of your indoor air, but it also prevents harm to your gadgets, furnishings, and home’s structure.

A high-quality filter also prolongs the life of your heating and cooling system without increasing the risk of malfunctions. A filter maintains the cleanliness of your entire machine by preventing dust and debris from resting on vital components.

When your system is dirty, the cost of maintenance will grow, limiting its lifespan and forcing you to purchase a new one before you are financially prepared.

With a high-quality air filter, not only do you save money on maintenance, but you also save money on energy expenditures. A clean air conditioner, furnace, heat pump, or other HVAC equipment will function more efficiently, resulting in lower energy expenses over time.

Low-quality filters must be updated more frequently and do not remove as many pollutants from your home as a superior filter.

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Choosing The Right AC Filters

A filter’s efficiency is a filter’s ability to absorb dust, pollen, mould, pet dander, germs, smoke, and gases as they travel through the furnace’s air system. Not all AC filters are equally efficient. High-efficiency filters make your heating system more efficient and clean your air.

Do you know air filter ratings? Without industry experience, ratings might be confusing. Many ignore ratings and solely consider the price.

As a homeowner, you should know how important air filter performance is. Look up air filter ratings such as MERV to find the best type for your home.

MERV is a popular air filter rating. It denotes a filter’s effectiveness in filtering particles as small as 0.3 microns. More efficient filters have higher MERV ratings.

MERV ratings range from 1-20; 1 being the least efficient, and 17-20 being hospital-grade. Hospital-grade filters filter out many microscopic particles but aren’t compatible with many homes.


When it’s time to replace your HVAC system’s filter, you may notice that the air filters on the shelf all seem the same. All air filters differ in price and quality, and this is also true of the various types of air filters available.

Furthermore, we aren’t simply talking about MERV scores here! Finding the ideal filter for your home is not something that you may instantly determine.  Your kind of home dictates the kind of filter. Please consult us at Custom Filters Direct if you have more questions.

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