How To Build A Pole Barn: Everything You Need To Know

Many people decide to build a barn for a variety of purposes. The pole barn is the simplest type as it only requires poles to be fixed into the ground.

It is fairly easy to ensemble, and you do not need to have expertise in the area. However, there are certain things that you will need to know or you risk not doing a good job. 

This article will discuss everything you need to know when building a pole barn, by providing you with a few tips. 

Get a Permit

You should know that you may need a permit to complete such a major project in your area. Rules and legislation will vary from area to area, so you must check what applies to you.

This is a crucial step before you start building the pole barn. You do not want to go ahead with the project only to be penalized or told that you will need to take it down.

You may be able to find this information online or simply contact or visit your local municipal/ county building to get official information as well as request the permit, if necessary. 

Invest in a Kit

When thinking about a construction project, it is natural to assume that you will have to build everything from scratch and obtain all the appropriate equipment to achieve this.

However, an easier way to complete this, particularly if you are DYIng, is by investing in customizable pole barn kits. These essentially come with everything that you need to build your pole barn, including construction plans.

This can simplify the project massively, and there are different ones that you can choose from so that you get exactly what you are looking for. 

Invest In The Appropriate Equipment

Any project requires the appropriate equipment and tools. If you are planning to build a pole barn, then you should already be thinking about what it is that you will need before you even start the project.

One of the most important things for this project is the appropriate type of wood. It may be a good idea to write down a list of items that you require so that you can check them off your list as you go. Once you have everything ready, you can get started. 

Determine What Roof You Want

Evidently, your pole barn will need a roof. Usually, pole barns have metal roofs, due to them being inexpensive, simple to install, and sturdy.

This is particularly good if your pole barn is a large structure and if you live in an area with occasional adverse weather conditions.

The only downside to metal roofs is that most people do not consider them to be aesthetically pleasing. If this is something important to you, you should consider installing shingles instead. 

Prepare The Area

The actual structure is not the only thing you should be thinking about in this project. A vital element of this construction is the preparation of the area beforehand.

Firstly, you must obtain accurate measurements of the area. This will help you know what space you can work with as well as the amount of materials and supplies you will need.

Secondly, you will need to clear the area of any trees and other things that may be in the way of you starting the project.

In addition to this, the ground must be leveled so that your pole barn does not develop structural issues in the long term. 

Build The Structure

Once you have your plans, all the equipment and have prepared the area, it is time to start building the structure.

Hopefully, you will have gained some basic knowledge on how to complete this to ensure that you do everything correctly. Make sure that you do not rush this process – take your time and do a good job. 

Hire Professionals

How To Build A Pole Barn


It may be your plan that you want to complete this project on your own and that is absolutely fine. However, you should consider whether you will need a professional.

Having someone else completely take care of the project for you makes things easier as you do not have all the work although you do end up losing some of the control as you are not directly involved in how the structure is built.

This may also be more costly, so you will need to weigh the pros and cons of time vs money. If you plan to have water and electricity in your barn you must certainly hire experts in these areas to ensure that these jobs are done to a good standard.

This is not only so that everything works well, but it is a matter of health and safety too. 

If you are thinking about building a pole barn, make sure that you know what you are doing and research the subject well beforehand.

This page should provide you with what you need to know when building a pole barn so that you can achieve this successfully. 

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